Get-well cartoon

Get-well cartoon funny facebook status
Mr. B. Akery still made a funny status update on facebook later that day, but for now, he thought that it would be a good idea with some get-well cards for some of his customers...

Meeting new friends...

funny facebook status cartoon
Kenneth already hated these new friends. They where the kind, that made annoying facebook updates about their puppy dog doing its first poop in the kitchen sink.

Meet Ugly girl.

Ugly girl facebook update
Kenneth did meet his dream girl that night. She was not ugly. Kenneth also took a lot of pictures of Ugly girl, to share with his friends on Facebook.

Home is where you are

Home is where you are facebook update cartoon

This is perhaps not a funny facebook status update, but I think it is cute, so I made it anyway... Nothing you can do about it! It is also true don't you think? Home is where you are. 

Best goalkeeper ever!!

soccer cartoon wall funny facebook status update
Coach did indeed put something in the water... but only after drinking a lot!

Hangman is going to hang

Cartoon hangman in front of tv facebook status
Hangman is really going to hang, man. Mr. Hangman was the first person to hang in front of the TV and also invented TV dinners.

Even a blind chicken finds a kernel of corn cartoon

even a blind chicken finds a kernel of corn funny facebook update
Kenneth had tried the same joke before, but this time the chicken got the last laugh. 

Windows 8 speed up modern communication

windows 8 cartoon funny facebook update
Chief Sitting Duck was determined to bring his tribe into the modern age... His fist impression with windows 8 was not helping! He quickly made a status update on facebook and shared a picture of it on Instagram. 

Funny raw egg cartoon

raw egg cartoon funny status
This is what happens if you don't boil your egg - You get an uprising on your hand. Raw eggs every where wil stand up and fight other raw eggs.  

Missing sock came back

missing sock cartoon funny facebook update
Kenneth just thought about his favorate sock, which he was missing. In that second, the sky opened and back came all missing socks!

Funny facebook status update: Humiliating party

funny facebook youtube party cartoon update
Kenny listened to his coworker talking about the most amazing party. With Youtube he could almost be there himself. He could also share all the humiliating things on Facebook making even more people laugh at his coworker. 

Windows 8 is weird

weird windows8 cartoon funny status update facebook
Windows 8 just wanted to make a big first impression, but the other kids didn't understand (as no one in the world does!)   

“I want to add your birthday” facebook app funny status cartoon

funny status “I want to add your birthday” facebook

Kenneth is a really calm person, but lately the “I want to add your birthday” facebook app was getting popular again and Kenneth didn't like the attention! Now he just sits and wait for the next invite, so he can send a quick reply back...